Graduation Check

Graduation Approval (UG)

Graduation Approval

When the graduation list is confirmed and students' MCGA and CGA, or GGA have been calculated, the relevant dean will be informed and requested to recommend students' graduation and the classifications of award.

If students have completed studies under more than one school, the deans of the schools will confirm on the recommendation.

School recommendations are then considered and approved by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies, as delegated by the Senate.

Certification of Award

A free electronic copy (in JSON format) of Award Certification Letter will be issued by the Academic Registry to students who have completed their programs of study and have been formally approved by the University for graduation.  Other than the free electronic copy, graduates may request for additional award certification letter by submitting online requests.

Potential graduates who have not yet been approved for graduation but (1) have satisfied all the graduation requirements as confirmed by their major department with (2) all grades reported may apply for a provisional Award Certification Letter by submitting online requests in the last month of their graduation term only if there is an urgent need of the proof of completion of studies.

After the conferment of degrees on the scheduled dates, each graduate (except those from some special degree) will be issued:

- ONE copy of the Degree Diploma in paper and electronic version (JSON format)
- ONE free copy of the Academic Transcript in paper and electronic version (JSON format) 
- ONE free copy of the Award Certification Letter in electronic version (JSON format)

The detailed arrangement of collection will be sent to graduates in writing near the time of distribution.  The collection details are available here.