About this Guide:

Students are responsible for ensuring that they complete the course and credit requirements for their program in the time allowed. Students are required to indicate their intention of graduation via the Student Center in SIS. Failure to apply on time may result in a delay in graduation.


The Academic Registry will track students' graduation status based on the application for graduation. The school/department may also monitor students' progress and give students a warning if a problem appears.  When students have completed, or are registered in courses that will complete, the academic and non-academic requirements for an award, they will be included in the list of pending graduates. The non-academic requirement includes the settlement of all fees or fines payable and that there is no serious case pending decision with the Student Disciplinary Committee.


After reviews by students' major department and school board, or AIS, graduation will be approved by the Committee on Undergraduate Studies under authority delegated by the University Senate. 


Degrees will be conferred on the date designated by the Senate. Graduates will be awarded at Congregation to be held annually.


For more details, please refer to the Academic Regulations.