Please refer to the relevant sections of the Academic Regulations for Undergraduate Studies for updated information about the new policies of Cumulative Grade Averages for Graduation and Honors Classification.
The classification of awards is based on a two-tier system: Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA) and Overall Cumulative Grade Average (CGA). Students have to meet the minimum MCGA and the minimum overall CGA in order to graduate with the particular honors tabulated below:
Minimum MCGA |
Minimum Overall CGA |
First Class Honors |
3.600 |
3.400 |
Second Class Honors, Division I |
2.850 |
2.700 |
Second Class Honors, Division II |
2.150 |
2.000 |
Third Class Honors |
1.700 |
1.700 |
Pass |
0.850 |
0.850 |
Students graduating from the World Bachelor in Business (WBB) Program will be awarded honors degrees, but will not be classified. Only the CGA for the courses taken in HKUST will be calculated.
All undergraduate degree programs are honors programs with degrees classified and the range of Graduation Grade Average (GGA) for each class of awards are as below:
GGA range |
First Class Honors * |
3.500 - 4.300 |
Second Class Honors, Division I |
2.850 - 3.499 |
Second Class Honors, Division II |
2.150 - 2.849 |
Third Class Honors |
1.500 - 2.149 |
Pass |
0.850 - 1.499 |
Students graduating from the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management will receive two degree awards, namely the BEng/BSc degree in their chosen major, and the BBA degree in General Business Management. The classification of each degree is determined separately based on the graduation template for the corresponding degree program. Only courses and credits stipulated in the graduation template are included in the calculation of the GGA. Courses that have not been used to count toward the graduation requirements of either one or both of the two degree programs may be used to count in the GGA calculation of one of the degree programs, but not both.
Students graduating from the World Bachelor in Business (WBB) Program will be awarded honors degrees, but will not be classified. No GGA will be calculated for students of the WBB Program.
* Students with uncleared course failures (i.e.'F' grades not subsequently converted into a passing grade) during their study at the University may not be considered for the award of First Class Honors by their Schools and departments. Students should contact their Schools or departments for further details.
The classification of awards is based on student's Graduation Grade Average (GGA). The GGA is based on the CGA calculated at the end of the term for which the student is placed on the list of potential graduates. All courses required by the degree requirements (for all major and minor programs) must be included in the calculation of the GGA.
In computing the GGA, courses taken in the first year of study are given a half-weight. Students who enter the University with credit transfer of 10 credits or more are not eligible for this half-weight concession.
The formula for calculating the GGA is as below:
GGA = |
sum of (course credits x course grade points x weighting) |
sum of (course credits x weighting) |
Students may request that graded courses included in the calculation of the CGA are excluded from this calculation to improve their GGA. Exclusion of graded courses is subject to the following conditions:
i. No course required for the award of the student's degree may be excluded
ii. No more than 12 credits may be excluded for 4Y programs
Requests should be made to the major department / School at the final term of study after all grades are reported.
Students graduating from the Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management will receive two degree awards, namely the BEng/BSc degree in their chosen major, and the BBA degree in General Business Management. The classification of each degree is determined separately based on the graduation template for the corresponding degree program. Only courses and credits stipulated in the graduation template are included in the calculation of the GGA. Courses that have not been used to count toward the graduation requirements of either one or both of the two degree programs may be used to count in the GGA calculation of one of the degree programs, but not both.
Students should also note that NO further changes in academic record (GGA or Class of Honors) will be entertained after graduation is confirmed by the University. Therefore, potential graduates should check their grades, GGA and courses excluded from the Student Information System regularly.