Faculty should take great care to ensure that students are awarded the correct mark/grade for their work. To reduce the possibility of administrative/human error, it is good practice for two staff (e.g. the Instructor marking an assessment and the course TA or administrator) to independently check:
To safeguard faculty and to ensure the effective application of the University’s procedures for grade review and academic appeals, faculty should document their procedures for awarding overall course grades and the process for combining grades/marks for components of assessment.
The Academic Registry (ARO) routinely e-mails faculty and students with the grade reporting deadline each term. Failure to comply with grade reporting deadlines is a serious issue. Late grade reporting may have severe consequences for students, including:
Course grades for students who are expected to graduate by the end of the term must be submitted by the sixth working day after the date of the scheduled examination for the course. All other course grades, including the grades for courses with no scheduled examination or with take-home examinations, must be submitted on or before the sixth working day from the last day of the examination period.
After the grade reporting deadline, ARO compiles a list of courses with outstanding grades and sends it to the Head of the Department/Division concerned. One week after that, if grades are still not reported, ARO will notify the relevant School Dean/AIS Dean, while copying the Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning).