Classification of Undergraduate Awards


[For students admitted in the 2018-19 intake or after]

All undergraduate programs lead to bachelor’s honors degrees in Science (BSc), Engineering (BEng) or Business Administration (BBA). Dual degree programs lead to the award of two degrees.

The classification of awards is based on a two-tier system: students’ Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA) and overall Cumulative Grade Average (CGA). Students have to meet the minimum MCGA and the minimum overall CGA to graduate with the following honors classification:

Award Classification Minimum MCGA Minimum Overall CGA
First Class Honors 3.600 3.400
Second Class Honors, Division I 2.850 2.700

Second Class Honors, Division II

2.150 2.000
Third Class Honors 1.700 1.700
Pass 0.850 0.850


Students graduating from the World Bachelor in Business (WBB) Program will be awarded honors degrees, but will not be classified. Only the CGA for the courses taken in HKUST will be calculated.

In computing the MCGA and the overall CGA, all courses taken are weighted equally. While F grades may be excluded from the MCGA, no graded courses can be excluded in computing the overall CGA.

Recommendations for graduation and classification of awards are made by the relevant Deans/AIS Dean to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies, which is empowered to confirm students’ graduation and classification on behalf of the Senate.

For students who have completed studies under more than one School/AIS, the relevant Deans/AIS Dean will confirm the recommendations.

To graduate with additional major(s), students must achieve the minimum overall CGA and the minimum MCGA computed using the union of the requirements of all majors including the first major’s corresponding School requirements, if applicable, for the relevant band to graduate with a particular honors classification. However, students can withdraw from one of the majors if they wish in order to achieve a higher honors classification for their single major.