Quality Assurance & Enhancement
Academic Quality Manual

Undergraduate Program and Course Administration


To prepare for the introduction of the four-year degree programs from 2012-13, a format for the design of four-year degree programs was agreed by the Senate in December 2007. With some amendments, this format has been the basis for approval of the four-year degree curriculum. A set of revised guidelines which was approved by the Senate in December 2011 extends these principles of program design and incorporate existing policies for outcomes-based education to provide a self-contained guideline for curriculum development and approval.

The model for the four-year degree is more flexible, with majors providing only one component of the degree requirements. The latest policy sets out arrangements for the approval of new programs and changes to programs that take this into account. The guidelines also incorporate quality assurance arrangements already approved by the Senate.

A set of revised forms are set out to facilitate the Departments/Schools to prepare more thorough and organized documentation for introducing new course and program and making changes to existing ones, and to document the arrangements for quality assurance.