Quality Assurance & Enhancement

Recognizing and Rewarding Good Teaching


Guidelines for Faculty Performance Assessment of regular faculty are provided in the Academic Personnel Policy and Procedure Manual and include the following statement of excellent performance in teaching:

Excellence in a faculty member’s educational role includes: excellence in the design and delivery of courses and educational programs; effective supervision that challenges students and enables them to produce first class work; productive engagement with students out-of-class; and a strong commitment to continued improvement in teaching performance as an individual and among colleagues. Excellent performance in teaching does NOT imply excellent performance in every dimension. In particular, early-career faculty should be evaluated chiefly on their capacity to deliver their own courses and on engagement with their own students, while excellence for senior faculty would include contributions and leadership across a broader role.

The Guidelines also include examples of evidence relevant for the evaluation of faculty in their educational role.

The University has also established a well-defined teaching-track faculty grade to:

  • Formally recognize the role of teaching-track faculty for the University’s teaching and learning mission
  • Provide the colleagues concerned with a clear career path
  • Enable full participation in the work of the University
  • Encourage relevant professional development

Details on the Appointment of Teaching Track Faculty are provided in the Manual, which also includes the performance criteria for re-appointment and promotion and the criteria for according professorial titles.


Teaching excellence is recognized by a number of high profile awards, including:


Apart from the institutional awards, the University will also make nominations to the UGC Teaching Award to recognise distinguished teaching staff or initiative. The Award recipients are expected to become “ambassadors of good teaching” to promote teaching excellence in the University and the wider local tertiary education sector.