School Deans and the Dean of the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) have key roles and responsibilities in maintaining Academic Standards in the Assessment of Students, and for implementing Quality Assurance and Enhancement mechanisms for the review and oversight of educational programs under the School/AIS, in particular for ensuring that the University’s policies and procedures for the assurance and improvement of quality and the maintenance of academic standards are implemented by Departments/Divisions.
Schools/AIS receive recommendations for new courses and programs and for changes to courses and programs from Departments/Divisions and endorse these recommendations prior to Senate Committee and then Senate approval.
Schools/AIS have a key role in processes for the recruitment, retention and promotion of faculty. In discharging their responsibilities, Schools/AIS are expected to take into account the University’s emphasis on the performance of faculty as teachers and their contribution to the educational mission of the University.
Schools/AIS should therefore establish arrangements to:
Schools/AIS submit an Annual Report to the CTLQ on the quality assurance and improvement of educational programs under the School/AIS, based on an approved template.
Academic Departments/Divisions
Academic Departments/Divisions, under the leadership of the Head, have the principal responsibility for the quality of the courses and programs under their management, in particular: the design and delivery of courses, programs and complementary out-of-class educational experiences; the evaluation and progression of students; and academic advice and mentoring.
Heads of Department/Division therefore have key roles and responsibilities in maintaining Academic Standards in the Assessment of Students, and for implementing Quality Assurance and Enhancement mechanisms for the review and oversight of educational programs under their Department/Division.
Departments/Divisions should also ensure that good practice in teaching and learning is recognized and rewarded and pro-actively seek to disseminate good practice (by Year / by Category) within the Department/Division and beyond.
Departments/Divisions should ensure that there is adequate peer support for colleagues in their role as teachers, especially for new and inexperienced staff, and opportunities for professional development of faculty in their role as teachers.
In making recommendations for the recruitment, retention and promotion of faculty, departments are expected to take into account the University’s emphasis on the performance of faculty as teachers and their contribution to the educational mission of the University, and to take account of guidelines for the criteria and evidence to be used by the committees concerned with these decisions.
To ensure that the quality and academic standards of the Department's/Division’s educational provision are being maintained and improved, Departments/Divisions are expected to establish:
Departments/Divisions should submit Annual Report to their School/AIS on undergraduate education and taught postgraduate programs, based on an approved template.