Program Registration
Program Status

Duration of Study (PG)


Postgraduate diploma programs

The normative length of study for the part-time postgraduate certificate program is one year, whereas that for the part-time postgraduate diploma program is a year and a half. For the full-time postgraduate diploma program, the normal period of study is half a year to one year.

The maximum period of study for the part-time postgraduate diploma is three years whereas that for the part-time postgraduate certificate is two.


Taught master's programs

For full-time MSc and MA students, the normative period for completing the degrees is one or one and a half years as specified by individual programs. Part-time students may expect to take twice the time of full-time students. The normal period for completing the full-time and part-time MBA programs is one and a half years and two years, respectively.

The maximum time allowed for degree completion is five years for the master's degree.


Research degree programs

The normal period for completing the PhD degree in full-time mode is four years after the first degree with a reduction of one year if a relevant master's degree is earned prior to entering the PhD program. For the MPhil degree in full-time mode, the normal period of study is two years.

The maximum time allowed for degree completion is five years for master's degree and eight years for the doctoral degree.