Course Registration
Course Selection & Registration

Useful Information for Class Enrollment (PG)

For Enquiries: COURSERG@UST.HK
Program/Course Catalog

For PG Program/Course Catalog, please click here.

Academic Regulations

For Academic Regulations, please click here.

Bad Weather Arrangement

For Bad Weather Arrangement, please click here.

Courses of Irregular Add/Drop and Extended Drop Periods

For Courses of Irregular Add/Drop and Extended Drop Periods, please click here.

Study Load Requirement and Restriction

Postgraduate diploma and certificate programs

The normal study load for students on part-time postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate programs is six credits for each regular term.  The maximum load is eight credits per term.  For full-time postgraduate diploma and postgraduate certificate programs, the minimum study load is nine credits per regular term.


Taught master’s programs

The normal study load for full-time students on taught master’s programs is twelve credits per regular term, with nine credits being the minimum.  The MBA and MSc programs offered by the School of Business and Management, however, have a heavier study load than other taught postgraduate programs.  For part-time students, unless otherwise specified by program regulations, the maximum study load is eight credits per term.  The normal credits of audit courses at the time of class enrollment are included in the calculation of study load.


Research degree programs

The normal study load of full-time research degree students is ten credits per regular term whereas the maximum study load for those in part-time mode is eight, including normal credit load of audit courses.

Students registered as Continuing Student can only enroll in the thesis research course.  Students should ensure that they enroll on the appropriate thesis research course when they begin their thesis research work.  They should continue to enroll in the thesis research course until they have submitted their thesis.

Full-time students should avoid undue credits overload.  Over-enrollment of courses without genuine academic reasons should be discouraged.

Thesis Research / Project Course

Students who commence their thesis research / project courses in Spring Term 2024-25 must submit class enrollment requests to add the thesis / project courses formally.  For students who have already enrolled in thesis research / project courses and obtained 'PP' grades in Fall Term 2024-25, they will automatically be registered in the same thesis research / project courses in Spring Term 2024-25.  If they decide to discontinue the thesis research / project in Spring Term 2024-25, students have to drop these courses by the course dropping deadline.  Please note that the automatic continued registration of thesis research / project courses applies in Fall and Spring terms only.

Change of course enrollment status

Requests for change of course enrollment status from 'Normal' to 'Audit' and vice versa must be settled before the end of add/drop period.

Course Add/Drop and Course Withdrawal

Students may make changes to their class enrollment during the add/drop period scheduled at the beginning of each term.  Changes made in this period will not be reflected in the student’s record.

Requests to add or withdraw from courses after the add/drop period will not be accepted, except under extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student.   Students wishing to request for course add or withdrawal after the add/drop period will be required to provide the department with full justification for making the application.  The request has to be supported by the course instructor concerned, and endorsed by the department head, and the Dean or the Dean’s designate before it is forwarded to Academic Registry for consideration.

If approval is granted for course withdrawal, the Withdrawal without Penalty Grade ‘W’ will be recorded on the student’s transcript as the course grade.  For students who are on taught postgraduate programs which adopt a per-credit tuition fee system, there is no refund of the tuition fees paid for the withdrawn courses.

To apply, please click here

Circumstances under which Registration will become null and void

Each student enrolled in a specific program is subject to the requirements of the major department and the University.  Below are the circumstances under which registration will become null and void:

  • PG students exceed time limit for degree completion.

  • Students fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress and are subject to academic dismissal.

  • Research postgraduates fail to submit the completed annual progress report by the prescribed deadline and result in discontinuation of study.

  • PG students fail to meet the re-enrollment conditions for resumption of study at the end of the suspension or leave from study period.

  • Students who fail to obtain prior permission from the University concurrently register for another program at this University or at another tertiary institution.

  • Students who fail to settle overdue tuition fees.

  • Students who are required to withdraw from the University subject to the University's regulation.

Please note that a student's program registration will be revoked without formal class enrollment.  Students should ensure that they have properly registered in the courses specified for a term.

Programs not participating


Students of the following programs are not participating in the online class enrollment exercise:

Business & Management: MBA, KH EMBA, HKUST EMBA, MSc(GFIN), MSc(IMT), DBA

Science: MSc(BIOT)

Students of these programs should approach their program office for class enrollment.