Program Registration
Tuition Fees

Tuition Rates (Research PG)

Tuition Fee for 2024-25 Academic Year


Tuition Fee for Research Postgraduate Students

Tuition fee is payable in two equal installments at the beginning of each regular term (Fall/Spring). 


$42,100 per annum


$42,100 per annum


Tuition Fee for Visiting Students

Postgraduate visiting students

Tuition is charged on a per-credit basis.

Please check with respective Program Offices for details.

Postgraduate visiting internship students

$1,754 per credit


Partial Fees

Research postgraduate students with Continuing Student status

$5,265 per regular term

Research postgraduate students studying beyond the normal period

  • Full-time 

$21,050 per regular term(iv)

  • Part-time 

$21,050 per regular term(iv)



(iv) 50% of the tuition fee paid for that regular term will be refunded if all program and residency requirements of the University have been met within the first three calendar months of a regular term.

Partial Tuition Fee

Research Students in "Continuing Student" Status

The tuition fee for "Continuing Students" is a quarter of the full-time tuition fee, rounded up to the nearest five dollars per term and has to be settled full in a single payment. For 2024-25, the "Continuing Student" fee is $5,265 per term.


Research Postgraduates Studying Beyond the Normal Period

Research postgraduates who are studying beyond the normal period of their program and have met all program and residency requirements of the University within the first three calendar months of the start of a regular term are entitled to a refund of 50% of the tuition fee paid for that term. The students must have submitted their completed thesis within the three months period. This refund mechanism is applicable to both full-time and part-time students who have ONLY their research thesis to complete for submission in the last regular term of study. Students who have enrolled for courses other than MPhil/Doctoral Thesis Research in the last term of study are not entitled to the refund.

Permitted leave from study and suspension period are not counted towards the normal period of study.