The UG Course Catalog lists out all courses approved by the University as of the current academic year.
However, not all courses are offered in every term. To view the course offering of the current and recent terms, students should refer to the HKUST Class Schedule & Quota page. The page provides the following information:
Classes offered in a particular term are listed according to the subject area (e.g. ACCT, PHYS, etc) and the level. 1000-level to 4000-level courses are Undergraduate courses while 5000-level to 7000-level courses are Postgraduate courses. Underneath the course code, course title and its number of credits (units), the available sections with their meeting schedule, venue, instructor information and available quotas are displayed. The page is refreshed every 15 minutes.
Students should note the "Date & Time" of their enrolled / waiting classes and ensure that there is no time conflict.
Common Core Courses can be filtered according to areas by clicking the caret down().
This is a list of useful websites for students to make study plans. In particular, students may find a complete list of course and credit requirements for undergraduate programs which will be used as the basis for graduation check in Program Catalog
There is also a link to the Timetable Planner which is an independent tool for you to plan your timetable. The course and class data in the Timetable Planner are updated from the Student Information System (SIS) automatically every 15 - 20 minutes. You may import your own enrolled and wait-listing classes from SIS to the Planner or upload the selected classes from the Planner to the Shopping Cart of SIS, You may also export the planned class data to your iCalendar file. However, please note that the result of your plans will NOT become part of your formal registration record. You must submit your class enrollment requests formally with the SIS to confirm the courses. You may plan your classes of a term using the tool starting from the first day of the validation period.
In choosing class sections, students should note that some courses are subject to a matching rule of the section number of classes, e.g. On this screen, it shows that students in MATH 1013 L1 should only enroll in T1A or T1B and those in L2 should only enroll in T2A or T2B. A special remark [Matching between Lecture/Tutorial/Laboratory required] is high-lighted in red.
Students may get more detailed and useful information of a course by clicking the caret down(). Other than course description, enrollment requirement (such as pre-requisites) etc.; and the area or nature of a common core course (with indicator [4Y] / [CC22]) are also listed.
Some courses may show a red label or a blue bubble, or both, in the “Remarks” column of the class. A red “Consent” label indicates that enrollment to this course requires instructor’s consent and the approval request must be submitted via the SIS. The blue “i” (information) bubble, when scrolled over, displays additional information to the class. Note that the “Room” for some classes might be “TBA” due to special arrangement. For most of these classes, you may find the special class venue by scrolling over the information bubble. Special remarks information also includes irregular add/drop deadline of a class if the class has its special arrangement, particularly in Winter and Summer terms.