Quality Assurance & Enhancement

What Happens If You Are Caught Cheating?


Students who cheat are likely to be caught. This is a very serious matter.

The case will go first to your department. The department can:

  • Give a verbal warning or a written warning that will be held in your record until graduation
  • Require you to take a make-up test / examination
  • Require you to resubmit work contributing to an award
  • Impose a lower grade for a component of the course assessment or a lower grade for the course including a fail in the course
  • Require you to take a period of mentoring or instruction to help you make better ethical choices in the future

In serious cases, the School/AIS Dean may be asked to review the case. The School/AIS Dean can impose more severe sanctions – you may not be allowed to go on exchange, or get a scholarship, and a note may be made on your transcript. The most serious cases are referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee. The Student Disciplinary Committee can take away your eligibility for a degree; suspend you from the University, or simply dismiss you from the University.

And that would be it. All your years of hard work in primary and secondary school, all that pressure to do well in the public exams … all thrown away.

The whole process is set out in the formal academic regulations – go to Regulations for Student Academic Integrity.