Quality Assurance & Enhancement

What is Academic Misconduct?


    Most of us have a good idea about what is meant by cheating, but there are some "grey areas".

    Here are some examples of academic misconduct. This list is by no means exhaustive.

    • Getting hold of examination or test questions without the instructor's permission, or giving other students questions without permission
    • Giving or receiving unauthorized information or help to answer questions during examinations or tests
    • Having someone else take a test or examination for you, or taking an examination or test for someone else
    • Handing in assignments on which you received help from fellow students or others that went beyond what was approved by the instructor, or giving such help
    • Making up facts or references and using them in assignments
    • Using other people's work in an assignment and presenting it as your own
    • Helping a fellow student to cheat
    • Incomplete or no referencing of the work of others, which can result in plagiarism.