Course Registration
Course Selection & Registration

Cross-Institutional Course Enrollment Scheme (for RPG Students only) (Fall Term 2024-2025)


    For Enquiries: COURSERG@UST.HK

    In order to enhance the opportunities of research postgraduate students to have access to courses and expertise at sister institutions in Hong Kong, the Heads of University Committee (HUCOM) have endorsed a report on collaboration of research postgraduate programs of UGC institutions.  The eight local institutions that are offering research postgraduate programs have agreed that research postgraduate students may enroll in courses at sister institutions.  This scheme was launched in September 2003.

    The participating institutions are :

    • The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    • City University of Hong Kong

    • Hong Kong Baptist University

    • The Education University of Hong Kong

    • The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

    • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    • Lingnan University

    • The University of Hong Kong

    General Guidelines
    • Registered research postgraduate students are eligible to apply for participation in the scheme.

    • A student can only apply to attend the listed courses that are directly relevant to his/her field of study.  Application must be submitted to the host institution through the home institution by the prescribed deadline set by the host institution.  Late application may be considered by host institution if deemed appropriate.

    • Students should consult their thesis supervisor and/or PG coordinator if they wish to participate in this scheme.  The approval of the Head of Department or PG coordinator must be obtained in the application.

    • Acceptance of the student is at the discretion of the host institution and is subject to availability, student quota and other pertinent factors of the courses.

    • Students admitted to study at a sister institution will be officially registered for the courses at the host institution, and are required to participate fully in the course, including completion of coursework and examinations.

    • Grades will be given to students at the end of the courses, and a transcript or result notification will be sent to the students’ home institution.  Students may also apply for a transcript or result notification according to the procedures of the host institution. 

    • The decision as how the grades should be used is at the sole discretion of the home institution.

    • Students who have enrolled for postgraduate courses offered by a host institution should comply with the appropriate regulations of the host institution.  For details, students may refer to the relevant website of the host institution.

    • HKUST students should note that transfer of credits obtained from other UGC institutions under this scheme is not automatic.  Upon successful completion of postgraduate courses taken at other UGC institutions, students should file the appropriate application to their major departments if they want to apply for transfer of credits.

    • HKUST students must register in the program in the term when they participate in the scheme.  Other than the appropriate tuition fee at HKUST, students do not have to pay additional fee for taking courses at other institutions under this scheme.

    'Home' institution refers to the institution in which MPhil/PhD program a student is enrolled and 'host' institution refers to the institution which courses a student will travel to take.

    General Application Procedures

    HKUST students who would like to take courses offered by other local UGC institutions should refer to the information provided by the host institution.

    • Study the procedures and regulations of the host institution.

    • Download and complete the application form.

    • Consult research thesis supervisor and/or PG Coordinator of major department (MPhil/PhD Programs Coordinator in SBM) as appropriate.  The completed application form must be approved by PG Coordinator or Head of Department (or Program Director) of the student’s program.

    • The approved form should reach Academic Registry before the prescribed deadline of host institution for endorsement and onward dispatch.

    • The students will be notified of the application result by the host institution directly.

    The application procedures in different institutions may be slightly different.  Students should also note the different term time and schedule such as course dropping deadline or final examination timetable of the host institution.  Please look for the appropriate information from the coordinating office (Graduate School or Academic Registry) of the host institution.

    Listed Courses and Application Information of other local UGC Institutions


    Information Available From

    Application Deadline

    Fall Term Start Date

    Application form


    26 July 2024

    9 August 2024#

    2 September 2024

    Form Link


    5 August 2024

    21 August 2024

    2 September 2024

    Form Link


    29 July 2024

    19 August 2024

    2 September 2024

    Form Link


    31 July 2024

    12 August 2024

    2 September 2024

    Form Link


    22 July 2024

    9 August 2024

    2 September 2024

    Form Link


    26 July 2024

    26 August 2024*

    2 September 2024^

    Form Link


    1 August 2024

    16 August 2024

    2 September 2024

    Form Link

    *The application deadline is applicable to most courses and varies for some courses. Some courses have deadlines ranging from 5 August 2024 to 29 August 2024.
    ^The first lesson of some postgraduate courses may start before 2 September 2024.
    #Students applying for courses offered by CUHK are required to complete a filled e-form after online application.