Classroom & Lecture Theater Booking (Student)


1. Academic activities (e.g. teaching, seminar) have priority in using classrooms and lecture theaters (referred hereafter as rooms). Student societies/ groups should explore the availability of other rooms (i.e. DSTO or Library) before booking of classrooms and lecture theaters.
2. As student body may book DSTO Student Amenities with priority, applications for ARO venues (classrooms and lecture theaters) will be considered only if there are no DSTO venues available. Bookings of ARO venues must be referred by DSTO. Please enclose the activity proposal for DSTO’s recommendation.
3. Bookings will be accepted only for activities which do not conflict with HKUST's objectives and interests.
4. Bookings will be accepted from student groups or organising committees either recognised by the DSTO or affiliated with the Students' Union (referred hereafter as student bodies), not from individual students.
5. Booking of rooms for use across terms or during the Examination Period and Add/Drop Period will not be accepted.
6. Booking of rooms on Sunday and public holidays will normally not be accepted.

Booking Rules 

7. Bookings should be made one to four weeks before the activity held.
8. Each student body may request for a maximum of four rooms in each calendar week.
9. For scheduled bookings (e.g. booking a room for every Tuesday over a period of time), each booking form may list the time of use up to a maximum period of one month. A new application should be submitted in the appropriate time to cover further bookings, if any.

Confirmation of Room Booking

10. Upon receipt of the Booking Form, ARO will assign a reference number to the booking request, and notify the
application result via email.

Subsequent Changes After Confirmation of Booking

11. After a room has been allocated, a student body can apply once for room change to ARO direct at Reference number must be quoted in the amendment request. ARO will confirm the booking again.
12. If the student body no longer needs the room, cancellation of booking should be made to ARO via email as soon as possible.
13. Confirmed bookings may have to be cancelled at short notice by ARO if the room concerned is needed by the University or a member of the teaching staff for official or academic activities. In such circumstances, every effort will be made to find a suitable alternative, if one is available.

Use of Furniture and Equipment

14. The student body should be responsible for any loss or damage to the equipment and furniture of the rooms arising from their activity. They should advise CMO to have the doors locked immediately if the activity finishes early.
15. Students should ensure that the room remains in good condition for the next user (i.e. furniture and equipment are returned to original position, etc.).
16. The following will affect acceptance of subsequent booking requests:
a) removal of furniture and/or equipment from the room without prior permission;
b) failure to place all furniture in the original position at the end of the function or activity;
c) any alteration to the environmental setting of the room causing inconvenience or problems to the next room user;
d) damage done to furniture, equipment or fittings; and
e) failure to report any faults found on the equipment or room fittings.
17. If you need extra recycling stand and clear bags for separating recyclable, please contact CMO housekeeping one week before the event at

Classroom and Lecture Theater Booking Form (for Student Groups/ Societies)