Regulations for Student Conduct


Student Conduct


1. The University expects good conduct from its students and may take disciplinary action under these Regulations for Student Conduct (Regulations) against students, current or former, who are found, either individually or in aggregate with others, to have committed misconduct including, but not limited to: 

  1. Any action which threatens, harms, or causes distress to a member of the University community on or off campus; or any action which threatens, harms, or causes distress to a member of the public while on University premises, or during activities that are conducted on or off campus under the name of the University or one of its registered organisations. Examples of such actions include, but are not limited to, assault (physical or verbal) or battery, conduct calculated to subject others to humiliation, ridicule or shame, defamation or bullying (including cyber bullying);
  2. Theft, misappropriation or misuse of the funds or property (including computer systems and their contents, and IT accounts) of the University or its members;
  3. Wilful damage to or defacement of the property of the University or of a member of the University community;
  4. Falsification or misuse of University documents or records, including breaches of the privacy of members of the University community;
  5. Fraud, forgery or other fraudulent conduct, including submission of forged documents or statements, for non-academic purposes (academic related matters will be handled under the Regulations for Student Academic Integrity);
  6. Failure to accept rightful or legitimate instructions of authorised persons or bodies responsible for ensuring good conduct, safety or security on campus;
  7. Breaches of “Hall Rules” that a Residence Master considers warranting disciplinary investigation under these Regulations;
  8. An offence for which the student has been convicted in any court of laws, and considered by the University to be serious and/or is of an immoral, scandalous or disgraceful nature;
  9. Any conduct which brings, or is likely to bring, disrepute to the University.

2. Discrimination and harassment (including sexual harassment) which fall within the scope of the Equal Opportunities and Anti-Discrimination Policy shall be considered and handled in accordance with the said Policy, within which upheld cases shall be referred back to these procedures for sanctions to be imposed at either Stage 1 or Stage 3.


Report of Student Misconduct

3. In applying these Regulations, the Academic Registrar, the Provost or the President, as case reviewing officers may nominate delegates to review cases and/or meet with the relevant students and/or relevant witnesses on their behalf. However, decision-making (for example to dismiss a case, to impose sanctions, to refer cases to the Senate Student Disciplinary Committee, or to uphold or reject an appeal) is the sole responsibility of case reviewing officer and not his/her delegates.  

4. Members of the University community who consider that a student or group of students has or may have committed misconduct could submit a Report on Student Misconduct to the Academic Registrar, including any supporting materials. Where a Report on Student Misconduct is ambiguous and may relate to potential breaches of both these Regulations and the Regulations for Student Academic Integrity, the Academic Registrar shall decide under which Regulations the case should be reviewed in the first instance.

5. Anonymous report will not normally be considered.

6. Reports on Student Misconduct that are considered to be frivolous, vexatious or malicious, or found to be based on false or inaccurate information, shall be dismissed and the person making such a report may be subject to disciplinary action under these Regulations.

7. In the event a Report on Student Misconduct relates to the Academic Registry or the Academic Registrar, or there is a conflict of interest for the Academic Registrar to handle the case, the Provost shall appoint an officer to exercise the powers and duties of the Academic Registrar in implementing these Regulations.


Stage 1: Review by Academic Registrar

8. Where the Academic Registrar considers that a Report on Student Misconduct entails matters that could pose an immediate and serious risk to any member of the University community and that it is necessary for the protection of the members or the proper functioning of the University, the Academic Registrar shall consult the Provost, who may require the student against whom the report of student misconduct has been made to temporarily suspend his/her studies and/or temporarily be denied access to University facilities and resources, including access to specified buildings or the campus, until the completion of these processes or as the Provost shall direct otherwise.

9. The Academic Registrar, in reviewing Reports on Student Misconduct, shall consult relevant parties as deemed appropriate and determination shall be made jointly with a senior officer of the University (normally the Associate Provost (Teaching and Learning) or an Associate Dean).

10. A student shall be informed of the report on misconduct made against him/her and provided with an opportunity to respond and submit any relevant statement or evidence. Students may be asked to meet the Academic Registrar to present their response. If a student refuses, or is unable, to submit a response or to attend the meeting, the Academic Registrar shall review the case based on the evidence available to him/her.

11. Where the Academic Registrar, in liaison with the senior officer (see paragraph 9), determines that a student has committed misconduct, either individually or in aggregate with others, the Academic Registrar may either: 

   (a)    impose one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. A verbal reprimand;
  2. A written reprimand, to be noted in the student’s record until graduation or for a specified period of time;
  3. University community service;
  4. A requirement that the student makes good any loss or damage to property;
  5. Withdrawal or suspension of academic or other University rights, privileges or benefits, except the withdrawal or suspension of the right to continue with the student’s academic studies;
  6. A requirement that the student attends a specified training/awareness course related to the misconduct;


   (b)    refer the case to the Senate Student Disciplinary Committee (Senate SDC) for consideration under Stage 3 where:

  1. the Academic Registrar considers the sanctions available in paragraph 11(a) are insufficient with respect to the nature of the misconduct, and/or
  2. a student already has a proven case or cases of misconduct on his/her record.

12. Where the Academic Registrar refers a case to the Senate SDC under paragraph 11(b) above, the Report on Student Misconduct shall include details of the investigation process and the reasons why the Academic Registrar considers that the sanctions available in paragraph 11(a) are insufficient. The student shall be informed that the case has been referred to the Senate SDC for review and decision.

13. Where a student is considered to have committed misconduct and sanction imposed, the Academic Registry shall retain the Report on Student Misconduct, along with a copy of any written reprimand, if any.


Stage 2: Appeal to the Provost

14. Students desiring to appeal against sanctions imposed by the Academic Registrar may submit a written appeal to the Provost within fourteen calendar days of the date of the written communication informing the student of the Academic Registrar’s decision, stating the grounds for the appeal. The Academic Registrar’s decision remains effective pending outcome of the appeal, unless the Provost directs otherwise.

15. Normally, appeals shall be considered only on the basis of procedural irregularity and/or new evidence. The Provost may accept any evidence or documentation not previously submitted in support of an appeal only if good reason is provided for the failure to submit the evidence/documentation to the Academic Registrar at the initial consideration of the case.

16. The Report on Student Misconduct and the student’s written appeal will be reviewed by the Provost. Students may be asked to meet the Provost, to explain the grounds for the appeal and to present any relevant evidence. Students attending such a meeting may be accompanied by a family member or a member of the University community, who shall act only in a supportive role and shall not make any submission or participate in the meeting in any way. If a student refuses, or is unable, to attend the meeting with the Provost, the Provost shall review the appeal based on the evidence available to him/her.

17. Upon considering the appeal, the Provost may either confirm or quash the Academic Registrar’s decision, or modify it by imposing lesser or additional or other sanction(s) from those listed in paragraph 11(a) above, or refer the case to the Senate SDC for review pursuant to paragraph 11(b) above.

18. The decision of the Provost on student appeals shall be final.

19. The outcome of the appeal process shall be recorded in the Report on Student Misconduct and sent to the Academic Registrar for retention.


Stage 3: Referral of Cases to the Senate Student Disciplinary Committee

20. Where a Report on Student Misconduct has been referred to the Senate SDC in accordance with paragraph 11(b) above, the Senate SDC shall review the case and ask the student to attend a meeting with the committee. Students attending Senate SDC meetings may be accompanied by a family member or a member of the University community, who shall act only in a supportive role and shall not make any submission or participate in the meeting in any way. If a student refuses, or is unable, to attend the meeting with the Senate SDC, the Senate SDC shall review the case based on the evidence available to it. A written report of the review process shall be made and sent to the Academic Registrar, together with the Report on Student Misconduct, for retention.

21. The Senate SDC may impose any of the sanctions available to the Academic Registrar in paragraph 11(a) above and/or one or more of the following sanctions: 

  1. Withdrawal or suspension of academic or other University rights, privileges or benefits, including the withdrawal or suspension of the right to continue with the student’s academic studies;
  2. Discontinuation of studies and suspension from the University for a set period, with re-admission being subject to satisfactory fulfilment of conditions where specified;
  3. Termination of studies at the University;
  4. Any other sanction(s) deemed appropriate by the Senate SDC.

    Where appropriate, the Senate SDC can direct that a permanent notation be placed on the student’s academic transcript or their student record with details of the misconduct committed and the sanction imposed.

22. A sanction of termination of studies shall result in automatic de-registration as a student.

23. In appropriate cases, the Senate SDC may also report a student misconduct case to the Senate and the Council, with a recommendation that the degree or other academic award previously conferred or granted to the student by the University be revoked.


Stage 4: Appeal to the President

24. Students desiring to appeal against decisions of the Senate SDC may submit a written appeal to the President within fourteen calendar days of the date of the written communication informing the student of the Senate SDC’s decision, stating the grounds for the appeal. The Senate SDC’s decision shall remain effective pending outcome of the appeal, unless the President directs otherwise.

25. Normally, appeals shall be considered only on the basis of procedural irregularity and/or new evidence. The President may accept any evidence or documentation not previously submitted in support of an appeal only if good reason is provided for the failure to submit the evidence/documentation to the Senate SDC at the initial consideration of the case.

26. The Report on Student Misconduct, along with the Senate SDC’s written report and the student’s written appeal, shall be considered by the President. The student may be asked to attend a meeting with the President to explain the grounds for the appeal and to present any relevant evidence. Students attending appeal meetings may be accompanied by a family member or a member of the University community, who shall act only in a supportive role and shall not make any submission or participate in the meeting in any way. If a student refuses, or is unable, to attend the meeting with the President, the President shall review the appeal based on the evidence available to him/her.

27. Upon considering the appeal, the President may either confirm or quash the Senate SDC’s decision, or modify it by imposing lesser or additional or other sanction(s) from those set out in paragraph 21 above.

28. The decision of the President on student appeals shall be final.

29. The outcome of the appeal process shall be recorded in the Report on Student Misconduct and sent to the Academic Registrar for retention.


General Provisions

30. Papers and records in relation to processes conducted under these Regulations shall be retained by the Academic Registry until, normally, the graduation of the subject student, after which, such papers and records shall be destroyed unless they are retained under paragraph 36 below.

31. All information gathered or received during the processes under these Regulations, as well as information presented or discussed in the course of meetings or deliberations of the cases, shall be kept in strict confidence and shall not be divulged to parties not involved in the process.

32. The processes under these Regulations shall be conducted in an informal manner. The strict rules of procedure and evidence of a court of law do not apply to these disciplinary process. The case reviewing officers and the Senate SDC may receive any material which is considered relevant and attach such weight to the material as the case reviewing officers and/or Senate SDC consider appropriate.

33. The commencement or non-commencement of civil or criminal proceedings, or investigation by a law-enforcement agency, against a student shall not preclude or in any way restrict the commencement or continuation of the disciplinary proceeding herein, although the University has the full right and discretion (but not obligation) to withhold commencing, suspending or discontinuing with the procedures should the circumstances so justify.

34. Whilst the University shall take all reasonable measures to comply with the procedures under these Regulations, in the event of non-compliance, for example, accidental non- or late-delivery of documents, unavailability of a witness or the case reviewing officer and/or Senate SDC member causing delay in the process, will not in itself render the process void or voidable or constitute procedural irregularities if no material prejudice is caused.

35. The University reserves the right to publish the findings and outcome of any case considered under these Regulations including, amongst others, the nature of the student misconduct, salient facts and the sanctions imposed, provided that the publication shall be strictly on a no name basis and shall not include the name of the party or parties or details which might render the identity of parties involved ascertainable.


Quality Assurance

36. Throughout these procedures, the outcome of all confirmed cases of student misconduct shall be retained by the Academic Registrar, whose office will undertake periodic review (at least once annually) of the forms of misconduct being reported and the sanctions imposed, in order to ensure the consistency of sanctions imposed. Where discrepancies were to be found, the Academic Registrar shall report this to the Provost and/or the Senate SDC as appropriate for remedial action.


Procedural Flowchart of the Handling of Student Misconduct Allegations


(Updated version of 1 September 2024)