When a place in the course/class of your waitlist request has been confirmed, notification will be sent to your email box on the next day at around 1am. Therefore, students whose waitlist requests being updated on the last day of add/drop period will only receive notification after the lapse of add/drop period. If you are on the waiting list of a class and you no longer want to enroll, you should cancel the request disregard your queue position on the waiting list.
Outstanding waitlist requests will be cancelled after the add/drop deadline. But you are recommended to cancel a waitlist request if you no longer wish to enroll for the waiting class.
Course(s) dropped during the add/drop period will only be recorded in the SIS but not be printed on students’ transcripts.
Courses with irregular schedule may have different add/drop deadline, e.g. courses that only have classes in the first half of the term may have an earlier add/drop deadline. Some PG courses have an extended drop period (also applicable to UG students enrolled to the respective PG course), please refer to the class details.
Audit request can be submitted during the add/drop period in regular terms using the approval request system (refer Validation Question 7). Students should NOT be enrolling or waitlisting for the course at the time when they submit the audit request. If the class is full at the time of the approval, the audit request will be cancelled automatically.
Course with an audit status:
Students may approach the course instructor for approval. Confirmation should be sent from the course instructor to Academic Registry Course Registration (arcourse@ust.hk) for processing during the add/drop period.
Audit students will not earn any grades or credits from the course. Please refer to UG Regulations (Clause 5.9) or PG Regulations (Clause 5.5) for general guideline or consult the course instructor for course-specific arrangements.