Academic Regulations (ARs) are approved by the University Senate to govern the progress of undergraduate students through programs of study leading to degrees awarded by the Senate. Only the University Senate, or those with authority delegated by the Senate, can approve exceptions, exemptions or variations from the Academic Regulations.
The Academic Regulations govern 4-year undergraduate studies and are supplemented by detailed information about requirements for specific programs of study and information on administrative procedures. Individual sections marked * denote variations in regulations between undergraduate students admitted {in the 2023-24 intake or after}, and [in the 2022-23 intake or before].
Students admitted in 2017-18 or before should refer to the 2022-23 Academic Regulations which contain stipulations specific to their cohorts.
Unless otherwise approved by the Senate for a specific course or program of study, English is the medium of instruction and assessment at the University.
2.1 Admission Requirements
To qualify for admission to the University, applicants must meet (i) the University Admission Requirements, (ii) the admission requirements of the School for which they are applying, and (iii) the English Language admission requirement. These requirements are minimum requirements for admissions. Holding these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
Applicants who possess other qualifications equivalent to the University requirements for admission may submit applications for admission, for consideration on the basis of individual merit.
Applicants may be requested to attend personal interviews or take additional tests administered by the University.
(Details of the University’s admission requirements are available at https://join.hkust.edu.hk/.)
2.2 Visiting Students
Students enrolled in tertiary institutions other than HKUST(GZ) who wish to study at the University on a short-term basis may be admitted as Visiting Students. Visiting Students may take courses, but are not enrolled on any specific program of studies.
2.3 Admissions Process
Applicants should observe the application procedures set out by the Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions Office.
(Details of the admissions process are set out at https://join.hkust.edu.hk/.)
2.4 Re-admissions
If former students who have withdrawn from the University are re-admitted, course grades and credits may be used to fulfill their program requirements provided that (i) they had been achieved within five years prior to re-admission and (ii) had not been used to earn any award of the University or elsewhere (including HKUST(GZ)).
3.1 Maintaining Registration
Undergraduate students are admitted as full-time students. Registration is confirmed only when students have completed the registration process and paid their tuition and other prescribed fees. Students who fail to maintain registration may be required to withdraw from the University.
3.2 Double Registration
Unless prior permission from the University is obtained, students are not permitted to concurrently register for another program at another post-secondary institution.
For the avoidance of doubt, the restriction against double registration is not applicable to students of the University who have been approved to register as cross-campus student at HKUST(GZ), or vice versa.
3.3 Study Commitment
Undergraduate students may not engage in employment for more than 10 hours per week on average during a Regular Term. Any exception to this rule requires the approval of the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee.
3.4 Normative duration of Study and Extension of Study
Students are expected to fulfill the requirements for an undergraduate degree within their normative duration of study, excluding any period of approved Leave from Study.
Unless specified and so approved, the normative duration of study for all undergraduate degrees (excluding dual degree) is four years. Students who have been registered for their normative duration of study, excluding any Leave from Study, may extend their studies for one additional academic year with the approval of the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee. If approval is not granted to extend the duration of study beyond the normative duration, a student cannot continue to be registered at the University and is considered to have withdrawn from the University.
Students who have fulfilled the requirements for graduation may register as Associate Students. Associate Students must have their program of study approved by the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee.
Students extending their studies are subject to all University regulations and are entitled to normal student services. However, student housing is not available to such students.
(Information on course fees for students extending their studies beyond the normative duration of study and for Associate Students is available under the “Tuition & Fees” section.)
3.5 Leave from Study
In exceptional circumstances, students may be granted Leave from Study with the approval of the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee. Leave from Study totalling more than one academic year will not normally be granted.
3.6 Registration for Major Programs
Students are expected to register for a Major program no later than the end of the regular term in which they complete 60 credits. Where a student has not registered for a Major at this point, the case may be reviewed and conditions may be set by the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee to ensure successful completion of the student’s program.
Registration for a particular major is not guaranteed and requires the approval of the Major-program Coordinator.
Students already registered in a Major may change their Major only with the approval of the Major-program Coordinator of the Major in which they are seeking registration.
3.7 Registration for Additional Majors
With the approval of the relevant Major-program Coordinators, students may fulfill the requirements for more than one Major program. Except in the case of specifically approved dual-degree programs, students may graduate with only one degree.
Students who wish an Additional Major to be recorded on their transcript, must normally register in the Additional Major no later than the last day of the add/drop period in the first Regular Term of their final year of study.
To graduate with an Additional Major, students must fulfill the requirements specified for that Major, within which they must complete at least 20 single-counted credits. These 20 credits cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements for graduation except for the 120-credit degree requirement.
3.8 Registration for Minor Programs
Registration for a Minor requires the approval of the Minor-program Coordinator.
Students may be required to register for a Minor to be eligible for registration in courses included in the Minor program.
Students who wish a Minor to be recorded on their transcript must register in the Minor no later than the last day of the add/drop period in the first Regular Term of their final year of study.
Students who wish to withdraw from a Minor program must apply to the Minor-program Coordinator before the deadline specified for that Minor program.
3.9 Changes of Registration
Students already registered in a School may register for programs in another School only with the approval of the Dean or the Dean’s designee, of the School in which they are seeking registration, or the Dean of AIS for programs under AIS.
3.10 Withdrawal from the University
Students who withdraw, or are required to withdraw, from the University must complete clearance procedures as specified by the Academic Registrar.
4.1 Requirements for Bachelor’s Degrees
To gain an award of a bachelor’s degree, students are required to:
i. Earn at least 120 credits in approved courses or through credit transfer subject to AR 6.3
ii. Fulfill the requirements of the University Common Core Program
iii. Fulfill the University English Language Requirement
iv. Fulfill the University Legal Education Requirement [For students admitted in 2022-23 intake or after only]
v. Fulfill School/AIS requirements, if any, for programs under the School/AIS
vi. Fulfill requirements for at least one Major, or School requirements for a general degree under the School
4.2 Transcripts
Students who fulfill the requirements for an Option under a Major program, an Extended Major, a Minor program, or the requirements of an Additional Major program may have this recorded on their transcript.
4.3 Detailed Information
Requirements for programs of study leading to undergraduate degrees are approved for each year of entry. Students must follow the curriculum approved for their year of entry throughout their period of study, unless otherwise advised by the University.
(Detailed curriculum requirements are published at “Program Catalog”)
4.4 Deviations from Curriculum
Deviations from the requirements under AR 4.1 (i), (ii), (iii) or (iv) must be approved by the Provost, or his/her designee. Deviations from School/AIS requirements under AR 4.1 (v) or requirements of Major or Minor programs must be approved by the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee.
5.1 Course Selection and Registration
Students are responsible for their own studies at the University. They should ensure that they understand the curriculum requirements for their program and plan ahead to complete their program within the permitted duration of study.
5.2 Eligibility for Registration
Registration for some courses (e.g. courses required for a Major) may be restricted to eligible students (e.g. students registered in the Major).
5.3 Course Registration Procedures
Students must register for courses according to the procedures established by the Academic Registry. Students who take a course for which they are not registered will not be awarded any grade for the course.
5.4 Maximum and Minimum Study Load
In each Regular Term, students within their normative duration of study and in good academic standing must register for courses totalling a mimimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 18 credits.
Students seeking an exemption from AR 5.4 require the approval of the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee.
Students who do not maintain appropriate course registration may be required to withdraw from the University.
5.5 Prerequisites and Corequisites
A Prerequisite is a level of attainment in public examinations or a course which must be taken and passed before registration for credit in a specified course.
A Corequisite is a course which must be taken prior to, or at the same time as, the specified course.
Exemptions from Prerequisite or Corequisite requirements require the approval of the instructor responsible for the course.
5.6 Exclusions
Students who have achieved a specified attainment in public examinations or have completed, or are registered in, a specified course may not register for credit in an excluded course.
5.7 Equivalent Courses
Courses offered at HKUST and HKUST(GZ) sharing the same contents may be designated as Equivalent courses. Students may not earn credits for more than one equivalent course. If they have completed an Equivalent course at HKUST(GZ) via Cross-Campus Study, they may apply for course substitution to fulfill the requirement of a program of study at HKUST involving its counterpart course.
5.8 Co-listed Courses and Multi-coded Course
Some courses may come with co-listing or multi-coding arrangement. Co-listed courses are two or more courses sharing most or all lectures and other learning activities, where they differ from each other at least partially in assessment schemes or assignments. Students may register and earn credit for only one of the co-listed courses. These courses may not be arranged for co-listing on every offering, but are subject to the discretion of the course offering department(s).
A course carrying “alternate code(s)” refers to a single course that is offered under two or more course codes with identical course content and assessment schemes. Students may register and earn credit for only one of the codes under a multi-coded course.
5.9 Course Auditing
With the permission of the course instructor, students may register in a course as an auditor and attend the course and participate in course activities. Auditing students will not be awarded a grade or earn credits. Subject to satisfactory completion of requirements set by the instructor, the course will be designated AU on the student’s transcript. Otherwise the course will be removed from the registration record.
5.10 Course Add/Drop and Course Withdrawal
Students may make changes to their course registration during the add/drop period scheduled at the beginning of each term. Changes made in this period will not be included in the student’s record.
Requests to add a course or to withdraw from a course after the add/drop period will not be accepted, except under extenuating circumstances approved by the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee.
6.1 Credit Transfer
Transfer of credits may be granted to students in recognition of studies completed elsewhere other than HKUST at an appropriate level as recognized by the University.
{For students admitted in the 2023-24 intake or after
Transfer of credit can be of three types: (i) course-credit transfer, where a transferred course is equivalent to a specific course in the HKUST course catalog; (ii) credit-only transfer, where only credits are transferred; (iii) cross-campus transfer, where both credits and grades attained by students in courses offered by HKUST(GZ) via “cross-campus study” are automatically transferred.
Transfer credits granted for (i) and (ii) will not be included in the calculation of grade averages, unless prior arrangements have been made.}
[For students admitted in the 2022-23 intake or before
Transfer of credit can be of two types: course-credit transfer, where a transferred course is equivalent to a specific course in the HKUST course catalog, or credit-only transfer, where only credits are transferred.
Transfer credits granted will not be included in the calculation of grade averages, unless prior arrangements have been made.]
6.2 Exemption from Requirements
Students may be granted an exemption from course requirements or other requirements of a program without the transfer of credits on the basis of studies at an appropriate level completed elsewhere other than at HKUST and HKUST(GZ).
6.3 Minimum HKUST Credits
To graduate with bachelor degree(s) from the University, students must complete a minimum of two years of full-time study at HKUST and obtain a minimum of 60 HKUST course credits.
The minimum number of HKUST credits required for graduation from a Major, Minor, or the University Common Core Program may also be specified.
6.4 Applications
Applications for credit transfer as described in 6.1 (i) and (ii) or for an exemption from a program requirement may be submitted in two circumstances:
Prior to Admission to HKUST
• Students’ prior study should be disclosed in their applications for admission, and applications for credit transfer or exemptions must be submitted to the appropriate office for approval no later than one month after the beginning of the student’s first regular term of study at HKUST.
During Registration at HKUST
• Students who complete studies elsewhere during their registration at HKUST, for example on an exchange program, can apply for credit transfer or exemptions. Applications must be submitted to the appropriate office for approval no later than one month after a student’s return to study at HKUST.
(Details of the application procedures are available under the “Credit Transfer” section.)
7.1 Grades for Undergraduate Courses
Grades and grade points for course assessment are stated in the table below. For the purpose of calculating grade point averages, numerical grade points are assigned for course grades, except for the following: AU, DI, I, P, PA, PP, T and W.
Letter Grade | Grade Point | Definition |
A+ | 4.3 | Excellent Performance |
A | 4.0 | |
A- | 3.7 | |
B+ | 3.3 | Good Performance |
B | 3.0 | |
B- | 2.7 | |
C+ | 2.3 | Satisfactory Performance |
C | 2.0 | |
C- | 1.7 | |
D | 1.0 | Marginal Pass |
F | 0.0 | Fail |
DI1 | Distinction | |
PA1 | Pass (under the DI/PA/F grading system) | |
P | Pass (under the P/F grading system) | |
PP2 | Permitted to Proceed | |
I | Incomplete (see AR 7.4) | |
AU | Audited (see AR 5.9) | |
T | Transferred | |
W | Withdrawal without Penalty |
7.2 Assignment of Grades
Grades with grade points assigned are the default grades for courses. Other grades may only be used where this is approved for the course.
Grades should be assigned on the basis of assessment activities established by the instructor at the beginning of the course and completed by the end of the examination period.
7.3 F Grades and Course Repeats *
A grade F received by a student for any course will be included in the student’s record and in the calculation of the student’s Term Grade Average (TGA) and the Cumulative Grade Average (CGA).
To fulfill the requirements for bachelor’s degrees under AR 4.1, a failed course normally can be repeated only once. Any subsequent repeat attempts will require the approval of the relevant Dean, or the Dean’s designee. Except failed courses, graded courses cannot be repeated to improve the grades.
{For students admitted in the 2023-24 intake or after
When a failed course is repeated, the previous F grade will be excluded from the calculation of any grade averages. Only the course grade of the latest attempt for the same course will be included in the calculation of the CGA and overall CGA (as defined in AR 8).
If the course is used to fulfill the major requirement or the corresponding School/AIS requirement (if any) as specified in AR 8, the previous F grade will neither be included in the calculation of the Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA). Only the final passing grades of courses used to fulfill the major requirement or the corresponding School/AIS requirement (if any) are counted in the MCGA.}
[For students admitted in the 2022-23 intake or before
When a failed course is repeated, both the previous F grade and the course grade of the repeated attempt, which are weighted equally, will be included in the calculation of the TGA and CGA.
However, if a failed course is repeated and is used to fulfill the major requirement or the corresponding School/AIS requirement (if any) as specified in AR 8, the previous F grade will not be included in the calculation of the Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA) but will be included in the calculation of the overall CGA (as defined in AR 8). Only the final passing grades of courses used to fulfill the major requirement or the corresponding School/AIS requirement (if any) are counted in the MCGA.]
7.4 Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete (I) grade is used when completion of a student’s work is necessarily delayed. This grade must be converted to a regular grade at least one working day before the start of the following Regular Term: otherwise the I grade will be converted to F.
7.5 Illness or Other Circumstances Affecting Assessment
If students wish the University to take into account illness or some other extenuating circumstances that have affected their performance in an examination, or ability to attend an examination, or to complete other assessment activities, they must report the circumstances of the case in writing and provide appropriate documentation to the Academic Registry within one week of the scheduled date of the assessment activity.
The Academic Registrar will review the case and make a recommendation to the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee. The student will be notified of the result of the request within one week from the date the request is lodged with the Academic Registry. The make-up examination, if any, will be held within five weeks after the regular examination period. The format of the make-up examination will be decided by the course instructor concerned.
7.6 Grade Review
Students who consider that a mistake has been made in the process of calculating or determining a grade for a course may apply for a review of the grade. They should first discuss the matter with the course instructor as soon as the course grade is released. Where a clerical or administrative error has been made, the department/unit responsible for the course will report the revised grade to the Academic Registry.
If the student’s concern remains unresolved after this informal discussion, the student may submit a request for a grade review to the Head of the course-offering department/unit in writing within two weeks from the day on which grades are released:
i. Stating the grounds for the request for review;
ii. Describing the relevant facts;
iii. Providing supporting evidence;
Students should be warned that a grade review might lead to a lower grade being assigned. If a review is granted, the Head will arrange for the review within three weeks after the release of the grade.
Requests for review of course grades normally should be resolved at the department/unit level. Students who wish to appeal against the decision of the department/unit must do so in writing to the Dean of the School within two weeks of receiving the decision, stating the grounds for the appeal.
Upon receipt of the written appeal, the Dean will determine whether or not a further review of the grade should be granted and how the review will be conducted. The Dean’s decision is final.
Three course grade averages are calculated: a Term Grade Average (TGA) for each term of study; and the Cumulative Grade Average (CGA); and the Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA). A student’s TGA and CGA will be calculated at the end of each of the four terms of study based on the grade points earned for all courses taken in a term.
A student’s MCGA will be calculated at the end of the term for which the student is placed on the list of pending graduates based on the grade points earned for the courses used to fulfill the Major requirement and, depending on the Major, possibly also the corresponding School/AIS requirement for that Major. The Schools/AIS will determine if the School/AIS requirement should be included in the calculation of the MCGA and such decision will apply to all the Majors in the School/AIS in which the School/AIS requirement applies. Courses used to fulfill an Option (if any) embedded in the Majors will not be counted in the MCGA.
Courses with the grade of Incomplete, Audit, Pass, Distinction, Transferred and Permitted to Proceed do not count toward any Grade Point Average.
{For students admitted in the 2023-24 intake or after
For the courses repeated under AR 7.3, only the course grade awarded at the latest attempt will count toward the CGA and the overall CGA. For MCGA, only the final passing grades of courses used to fulfill the major requirement or the corresponding School/AIS requirement (if any) are counted toward the MCGA.}
[For students admitted in the 2022-23 intake or before
For the courses repeated under AR 7.3, both the previous F grades and the grades awarded at the repeat attempt will count toward the TGA and CGA, but as courses with F grades cannot be used to fulfill major or School/AIS requirements, they do not count toward the MCGA.]
9.1 Regular Terms
Decisions on students’ academic standing and progress are made only at the end of the Fall and the Spring Terms, which are referred to as Regular Terms.
9.2 Academic Warning
Students whose TGA or CGA at the end of any Regular Term is less than 1.7 will be placed on Academic Warning. Students on Academic Warning will be required to seek academic advice.
9.3 Academic Probation
Students whose CGA falls below 1.5 at the end of any Regular Term, excluding the first point of CGA calculation after entry, will be put on Academic Probation. Students on Academic Probation are not permitted to register in courses without approval from the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designee, and may be required to reduce their study load.
Students will remain on Academic Probation until their CGA rises to 1.5 or above.
Students who have been on Academic Probation at the end of three consecutive Regular Terms and students who have twice failed a course that is a requirement for their graduation will be reported to the relevant Dean. The Dean may recommend to the Provost that a student is dismissed from the University. In making this recommendation the Dean should consider:
i. Whether the student can present credible evidence of extenuating circumstances for on-going poor academic performance;
ii. Whether the student has a reasonable chance of successfully completing the requirements for an award;
iii. Whether maintaining the student’s registration is consistent with the University’s responsibility for making the best use of its resources.
The Provost’s decision is final.
11.1 Dean's List
Undergraduate students will be placed on the Dean’s List at the end of the Fall or Spring Term when in that term: (i) their TGA is at least 3.7 calculated from at least 12 credits registered, (ii) they have not failed any course, and (iii) they have not committed any confirmed act of academic dishonesty.
11.2 Academic Achievement Medal
The Academic Achievement Medal is awarded to outstanding graduates in the year of their graduation. To be considered as a recipient of the award, students must have:
i. Failed no course during their studies at HKUST; and
ii. Achieved an overall CGA of at least 3.9, with at least 60 HKUST credits included in the calculation.
Students may be awarded only one Academic Achievement Medal.
12.1 Graduation on Completion of Studies
When students have fulfilled, or are registered in courses that will fulfill, the academic and non-academic requirements for an award, they will be included in the list of pending graduates. The non-academic requirement includes the settlement of all fees or fines payable and that there is no serious case pending decision with the Student Disciplinary Committee. Students who wish to extend their studies under AR 3.4 should seek the required approval.
12.2 Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA) and Overall Cumulative Grade Average *
The classification of awards is based on a two-tier system: students’ MCGAs and overall CGAs. Students have to meet the minimum MCGA and the minimum overall CGA for the relevant band to graduate with a particular honors classification.
To graduate with additional Major(s) or an Extended Major, students must achieve the minimum overall CGA and the minimum MCGA computed using the union of the requirements of all Majors including the first Major’s corresponding School requirements, if applicable, for the relevant band to graduate with a particular honors classification. However, students can withdraw from one of the Majors if they wish in order to achieve a higher honors classification for their single Major.
{For students admitted in the 2023-24 intake or after
In computing the MCGA and the overall CGA, all courses taken are weighted equally. For the courses repeated under AR 7.3, only the course grade awarded at the latest attempt will count toward the CGA and the overall CGA. In accordance with AR 7.3, F grades may be excluded from the MCGA.}
[For students admitted in the 2022-23 intake or before
In computing the MCGA and the overall CGA, all courses taken are weighted equally. While F grades may be excluded from the MCGA in accordance with AR 7.3, no graded courses can be excluded in computing the overall CGA.]
12.3 Classification of Awards
When the graduation list is confirmed and students’ MCGAs and overall CGAs have been calculated, the relevant Dean will be informed and requested to recommend students’ graduation and the classifications of students’ awards.
Awards are classified as follows:
First Class Honors
Second Class Honors, Division I
Second Class Honors, Division II
Third Class Honors
In classifying awards, the University takes into account:
i. Benchmark MCGA and overall CGA bands for each classification
ii. The University’s policy for degree classification
Recommendations for graduation and classification of awards are made by the relevant Dean to the Committee on Undergraduate Studies which may confirm students’ graduation and classification on behalf of the Senate.
Where students have completed studies under more than one School, the recommendation for an award should be agreed by the relevant Schools.
1. Academic Terms
There are four academic terms in each academic year: Fall (normally early September to late December); Winter; Spring (normally early February to late May); and Summer (normally late June to mid-August).
2. Academic Year
The Academic Year begins on 1 September and ends on 31 August of the following year.
3. Academic Program
Majors, Minors, Option and other components of a student’s program of study are all designated as academic programs of the University.
4. Academic Standing
Students’ academic standing is an indicator of their academic progress. Poor academic progress can result in Academic Warning or Academic Probation.
5. Add/Drop Period
At the start of each term, there is an add/drop period where students may add or drop courses without these courses appearing on their record. After the add/drop period, students may not be permitted to add or drop courses for that term.
6. Additional Major
To graduate with an Additional Major, students admitted in 2015-16 or after must take all the requirements specified for that Major, within which they must complete at least 20 single-counted credits. These 20 credits cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements for graduation except for the 120-credit degree requirement.
7. Associate Student
Associate Students are students who have fulfilled the requirements for an undergraduate degree, but wish to register for additional undergraduate courses. They are registered under conditions set out in Academic Regulation (AR) 3.4.
8. Award
An award is an academic qualification granted by the University Senate on the completion of the requirements for the award. For the purpose of AR 12.2 (i) requirements for a student’s award include degree requirements under AR 4.1 and requirements for Additional Major(s), Extended Major, Minor(s) and Option recorded on the transcript.
9. Course
Courses are the basic unit of instruction from which programs of study are built. Most courses at HKUST require study for a full term and earn 3 credit units.
10. Course-offering Department
The course-offering department is the academic unit responsible for a course, normally a department or division.
11. Credit Transfer
Subject to the academic regulations, credits may be transferred for work completed at an institution other than HKUST to meet the requirements of a HKUST award.
12. Credit Unit
Credit units are earned through the completion of courses and other assessed learning activities. The requirements for an award normally include completion of a minimum number of credits.
13. Cumulative Grade Average (CGA) *
For each term a CGA is calculated for all the courses earning grade points completed since first registration as an undergraduate student up to that point, as follows:
Where Ci is the credit and Gi is the grade point earned in the ith course since first registration.
Courses with grades of Incomplete, Audit, Pass, Distinction, Transferred and Permitted to Proceed do not count toward grade point averages.
{For students admitted in the 2023-24 intake or after
For courses repeated in accordance with AR 7.3, course grades awarded in the previous attempt do not count toward grade point averages.}
[For students admitted in the 2022-23 intake or before
For courses repeated in accordance with AR 7.3, course grades of all attempts will be counted equally toward grade point averages.]
14. Dean or Dean’s Designee
Where approval of a Dean is required, applications should be directed to the Office of the Associate Dean (Undergraduate).
15. Department
An academic department or division of the University.
16. Degrees
Three types of bachelor’s degree are awarded: Bachelor of Science (BSc); Bachelor of Engineering (BEng); Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA).
17. Degree Requirements
To earn the award of a bachelor’s degree, all undergraduates must fulfill approved requirements.
18. Dual Degree
Students may earn two degrees by fulfilling all the requirements of both degrees. Students who fulfill the requirements of two Major programs, but fulfill the requirements of only one degree will not be awarded a dual degree.
19. Exemption
Under certain circumstances, students may be granted an exemption from requirements for an award, or from the Aacademic Regulations.
20. Extended Major
Extended Major is not a standalone major. It is adhered to a certain relevant Major as expanded choices for students to enrich their Major study with cross-disciplinary applications of emerging technology and innovations relevant to their Majors. Details of all Extended Majors offered at the University are provided at “Program Catalog”. All Extended Majors require the completion of least 21 credits in designated courses; and have attainment of an average grade point of at least 2.15 in courses taken within the Extended Major.
21. First Major
Students who have registered for more than one Major program may be asked to nominate one of these majors as their First Major. Graduation from an Additional Major may not be possible within the normal duration of study for the award.
22. Full-time Student
All undergraduate students are registered as full-time students. Full-time students must take a full credit load in each Regular Term, unless a reduced load has been approved.
23. Grade Points
Courses may be assessed for grade points. A table of grade points relative to letter grades is provided in AR 7.1. Courses graded AU, DI, I, P, PA, PP, T and W do not count in the calculation of grade averages.
24. HKUST Course Credits
HKUST course credits are credits earned in courses included in the HKUST Course Catalog and do not include credits awarded through credit transfer from other institutions.
25. Major Cumulative Grade Average (MCGA)*
Major cumulative grade average (MCGA) is based on the grade points earned for the courses used to fulfill the Major requirement and, depending on the Major, possibly also the corresponding School/AIS requirement for that Major. All courses used to fulfill the Major requirements, including the Extended Major and those of Additional Major(s), will be included in the calculation of MCGA. The Schools/AIS will determine if the School/AIS requirement should be included in the calculation of the MCGA and such decision will apply to all the Majors in the Schools/AIS in which the School/AIS requirement applies. Courses used to fulfill an Option (if any) embedded in a Major will not be counted in the MCGA.
Where Ci is the course credits and Gi is the grade point earned in the ith course in the undergraduate study to fulfill the major requirement and the School/AIS requirement (if any) as permitted under AR 8.
If a failed course in this category is repeated, the previous F grade will not be included in the calculation of MCGA.
26. Major Program
To graduate with a bachelor’s degree, students must fulfill the requirements for at least one Major. Details of all Major programs offered at the University are provided in the “Program Catalog”. Requirements for Major programs vary and students should carefully review these requirements.
27. Minor Program
Details of all Minor programs offered at the University are provided in the “Program Catalog”. All Minors require the completion of least 18 credits in designated courses. Students should carefully review the requirements for Minors. Students who wish a Minor to be recorded on their transcript must register for the Minor through the Minor-program Coordinator.
28. Major-program Coordinator
A Major-program Coordinator is appointed for each Major. Contact information may be found through the office of the department/division that offers the Major.
29. Minor-program Coordinator
A Minor-program Coordinator is appointed for each Minor. Contact information may be found through the office of the department/division that offers the Minor.
30. Option under a Major program
Students registered in a Major may be given the opportunity to register for an Option under their Major. Students who complete an option may have this recorded on their academic transcript.
31. Program of Study
A student’s program of study is the set of components of an undergraduate degree for which a student is registered. Programs of study typically include School-level requirements, the University Common Core and a Major. Students may add a Minor or other components to their program of study.
32. Provost or the Provost’s Designee
Where the approval of the Provost is required under the ARs, applications should be directed to the Head of Quality Assurance & Enhancement of the Academic Registry.
33. Registration
For the purposes of the Academic Regulations, registration includes registration in courses and registration in academic programs.
34. Regular Term
The Fall and Spring Terms are regular terms.
35. School
Undergraduates are registered in programs under one of four Schools or the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies.
36. Study Load
Students’ study load is the total credits for which they are registered in a term.
37. Term Grade Average (TGA)
For each term a TGA is calculated across all courses taken in that term, as follows:
Where Ci is the course credits and Gi is the grade point earned in the ith course in the term.
38. Transcript
Students’ academic transcripts provide the full record of their academic results and performance.
39. University
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
40. University Senate
The HKUST University Senate is the highest academic body of the University. The University Senate regulates admissions, degree requirements and all matters relating to teaching and learning. All academic awards of the University are made by the University Senate.
41. Visiting Students
Visiting students register for courses, but not for programs. They are registered under conditions set out in AR 2.2.
(Updated version of February 2024)