Thetos Distinguished Teaching Award

Selection Process
  • The Committee evaluates nominees based on their teaching philosophy, contributions to the enhancement of teaching and learning, and evidence of the impact of their teaching. The submitted teaching advancement project/ personal development initiative is also considered.
  • The Committee may also consider additional information such as teaching awards, student feedback, peer reviews, and contributions to the scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • The selection criteria shall be based on the nominees’ demonstration that they are making a substantial contribution to the University’s education mission across the full range of educational activities and that they would be engaged in collective efforts to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Some examples of such efforts include but are not limited to:
    • Efforts to articulate and address major teaching and learning needs and concerns of students;
    • Engagement in the development of new ideas and initiatives to support quality teaching and learning;
    • Evidence of contributions to the broader student experience and students’ success, including as a student mentor and advisor;
    • Demonstrated capability for playing an important role in the development of courses, management of teaching and support, and development of programs that support students’ overall learning experience;
    • An association with the educational development of their departments / schools or with the Center for Education Innovation; and
    • Work with faculty members and colleagues to encourage, value and reward quality teaching.