Thetos Distinguished Teaching Award

Nomination Procedures
  • The nomination will be open in September annually.
  • The Office of the Provost, led by the Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning), initiates the process by inviting nominations from the Deans of Schools and the Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, Heads of Academic Departments/Divisions including the Center for Language Education.
  • The nomination should have the consent of the nominee and be made on the prescribed nomination form ( doc / pdf – to be provided later). It must be supported by at least two members of the University community, including at least one faculty other than the nominee, and one student. Nominators may either sign together on one nomination form or on separate forms. A statement explaining why the person is nominated must be submitted jointly by a group of nominators, or separately by each individual nominator.
  • The nomination should be endorsed by the respective Heads of Academic Departments / Divisions including the Center for Language Education.
  • The completed nominated form should be submitted to the Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning) on or before the closing date for nominations.
  • Upon receipt of the nomination, the nominee will be approached by the Office of the Provost for relevant evidence of excellence in teaching. Additionally, nominees are required to submit a portfolio, which includes a CV and a teaching philosophy statement. A project proposal with a budget of $150,000 to be completed within a two-year timeframe should be provided.