Academic Integrity and Good Learning Environment (Spring 2016-17)


Happy Lunar New Year and welcome back to Spring 2017. At the start of the new term, I would like to remind you again of the following important issues.



The University is very serious about upholding academic integrity. “Excellence, Integrity, and Academic Freedom” is listed first among the 5 Core Values of HKUST. All members of the University community, including faculty members, students, and staff, have the responsibility to help maintain the academic reputation of HKUST. As an educational institution, one of the objectives is to inculcate integrity in our graduates, enabling them to be responsible citizens and accountable leaders of society.  

Regulations governing academic integrity and honesty are available at Regulations for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity.  Please visit this site and help HKUST maintain its reputation for high standards. There is zero tolerance to cheating and any student found to have violated these regulations will face severe penalty including termination from the study at HKUST.



Another important issue concerning all students and professors is the maintenance of a good learning environment in the classroom. Arriving late, making excessive noise, and doing anything that is discourteous to the instructors or disruptive to your classmates are all unacceptable behaviors damaging our learning environment. 

Successful learning depends on academic honesty and considerate behavior both inside the classrooms and among the students. We trust you will work with us to create the best possible environment for all students to achieve their goals.



Lastly, information on academic rules and regulations is available online to help you manage your academic progress from admission to graduation. 

Visit these web pages to locate the information you need. 

Research postgraduates:
Taught postgraduates:


I wish you a fruitful term and enjoy your learning!



Roger Cheng
Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning)


Last Update: 3 February 2017