1995 Profile of the Medalists


BIENIEK- MOORES Beate                                    

BBA in Management of Organizations                      

Bieniek-Moores is in Beijing doing an intensive Putonghua course. "I believe that my BBA degree from HKUST combined with a command of Mandarin will position me well to take advantage of expanding business opportunities in the Greater China," she says. Continuous hard work and a constantly questioning and exploring mind "were the building blocks of my achievements". She hopes to return to HKUST to do an MBA.




她說:"我的成功其實沒有其麼秘訣。持之以恆的 勤奮,充份利用科大一流的研究及支援設施,不斷發問,富探索精神,都是成功的基石。"

CHAN Kwok Ho                                               

BEng in Mechanical Engineering                                    

"We have the best faculty in Hong Kong," says Chan, who came to the territory from Macau six years ago. After completing a Higher Diploma at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, he transferred to HKUST in 1993. He attributes his success to concentration and hard work. His advice: "Spend more time in the Library." He is now an assistant supervisor in CGS Macau, a waste treatment plant.





GAN Wai Chuen                                                             

BEng in Electronic Engineering                

Gan is continuing at HKUST as an MPhil candidate in ELEC. He aims to find a job in his area of speciality - controlling engineering. When he transferred to HKUST from a polytechnic two years ago, he was initially overwhelmed by the workload. But he soon caught on. "You must hand in your homework," he advises. "Even if others help you do it, make sure you fully understand it."





HATHIRAMANI Rajesh Hiro                                            

BBA in Finance                                                

Consistency and balance are two keys to the success of Hathiramani, one of very few bachelor's degree holders on the foreign exchange sales desk of a major securities firm. "I believed that if I worked consistently over time, I could achieve something." He found his lecturers to be "excellent". "They take time to teach you on an individual basis, creating a supportive environment." His advice: "Always believe in your ability to achieve."





KEUNG Chun Yeung, Larry                                   

BEng in Electronic Engineering

Keung is continuing his exploration of wireless communications as an MPhil candidate in ELEC. His personal formula for maintaining an A average comprises 60% hard work, 25% ambition and 15% luck. "The luck includes many things, like the friends I made here." Larry made a point of keeping up with his weekly reading assignments, "no matter how long it took".




MAK Toby

BSc in Chemistry

Ever conscious of the sacrifice his family made in sending him to university, Mak was driven to work hard. "I studied almost seven days a week, and I didn't play much. I didn't care whether I got good grades, I cared about doing something in every course." This attitude earned him academic scholarships in his second and third years. He is now an MPhil candidate at HKUST, studying bio- inorganic chemistry.




WONG Chi Leung, David                                        

BEng in Computer Science                                  

Read, review, understand. Wong says if students read their assignments, do their homework and fully understand it, they should do well in exams. This worked for the MPhil candidate who is studying distributed computing at HKUST, and who is aiming for a PhD in the field. In the summer of 1994, David helped organize the China Exploration Project, which took 20 HKUST students to Beijing to see how computer science is developing.


