A grade average is the average weighted grade obtained in a group of courses. There are three grade averages: SGA, CGA and GGA.
In the calculation of SGA, CGA and GGA for Postgraduate students, each course is given a weight equal to its credit value. However, in computing the GGA for Undergraduate students, these rules are applied:
For students admitted prior to 2001-02 but after 1996-97, a weight of one is given to courses numbered below the 200-level, and a weight of two to courses numbered at the 200-level or above.
For students admitted in 2001-02 or after, courses taken in their first year of study are given half weight. Students admitted with credit transfer, the length of their first year of study will be determined in accordance with established university guidelines.
Transfer credits and courses graded HP/P/LP/U/Y, AU, CR, DI, DN, E, I, IP, P, PA, PP, PS or W are omitted from the calculation of grade averages.
Grade averages on the 12-point scale are reported in numerical points ranging from 0.00 to 12.00 as well as their closest letter grades.
In calculating and reporting grade averages, the following two conversion tables are used. Table 1 shows the conversion of course letter grades into numerical points. When a numerical grade average is obtained, Table 2 is used to convert the numerical points back to a letter grade.