Declaration of Academic Integrity



The HKUST Academic Honor Code should be reprinted on the front cover of examination answer books or presented on the landing page of online examination sites, followed by the Declaration of Academic Integrity as below for students to confirm before they proceed to the content of the examination paper.


The HKUST Academic Honor Code

Honesty and integrity are central to the academic work of HKUST.

Students of the University must observe and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty in all the work they do throughout their program of study.

As members of the University community, students have the responsibility to help maintain the academic reputation of HKUST in its academic endeavors.


Sanctions will imposed on students, if they are found to have violated the regulations governing academic integrity and honesty.

For the examination answer book:

Declaration of Academic Integrity

I confirm that I have answered the questions using only materials specifically approved for use in this examination, that all the answers are my own work, and that I have not received any assistance during the examination.

For examination conducted online or outside a proctored classroom:

Declaration of Academic Integrity

You MUST confirm the following statements to unlock the exam. Points earned from these questions will not count towards the exam grade.

  • I will answer the questions using only materials, including online materials, specifically approved for use in this examination.

  • I will not receive any assistance during the examination and all the answers will be my own work.

  • I am taking this examination in isolation in a private room unless with the explicit written consent of my instructor.

  • I am using my own HKUST account to complete this examination.

  • I understand that the use of a virtual background is prohibited.

  • I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that my equipment is functioning properly.

  • I will follow the invigilator’s instructions to set up the proctoring environment.

  • I will not leave the examination venue and/or turn off my camera in the first 30 minutes of the examination unless with the explicit permission of the instructor.

  • I understand that conversation or other communication, whether at my workstation or remotely through electronic or other means, and whether it is related to the examination or not, is not allowed during the examination unless specifically permitted by the invigilator; and that any questions must be addressed to the invigilator.

  • I will not save or distribute copies of examination questions in any form either during or after the examination.

  • I will delete, immediately at the end of the examination, any questions that I download onto my hard-drive, external drive or other device in order to work on during the examination.

  • I understand that I may leave the examination venue to visit the washroom or for any other reason only during designated periods, where scheduled, or with an invigilator’s permission, and only after I have uploaded my examination answers before leaving.

  • I understand that, once uploaded, my answers cannot be revised/modified unless explicitly permitted for the examination.

  • I will not take examination materials or use electronic devices if I leave my workstation; I will take personal items to the washroom only with the invigilator’s permission.​​​

  • I understand that if I leave the examination venue to go to the washroom or due to illness or other extenuating circumstances without uploading my answers, I will be deemed to have been unable to complete the examination and that the Academic Regulations Governing Undergraduate Studies (7.5) or the Academic Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies (7.4) shall apply, as appropriate.