Student-Staff Liaison/Committees

Student-Staff Liaison

Departments/Divisions are responsible for effective liaison with students. The University has not mandated the specific form for liaison with students but does expect Departments/Divisions to put in place feedback mechanisms appropriate to their circumstances.

Direct communication with students is provided for by regular meetings with students, both student representatives, and invited groups, and through Department/Division, Program and School liaison committees, focus group discussions/teaching and learning roundtables, and open forums.

Many Departments/Divisions and Taught Postgraduate Programs have formal Student-Staff Liaison Committees. A range of other mechanisms for seeking student feedback (other than via questionnaires) is in place, including welcoming parties, lunch/tea gatherings, teaching and learning roundtable (focus group) meetings, and Heads of Department/Division and academic advisors meeting individual students.

Student-Staff Liaison Committees

It is good practice that Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs) meet regularly, that the purpose of meetings is clear, that there is sufficient representation of students and staff to ensure effective discussion, and that the outcomes are communicated to students and faculty.

Where Departments/Divisions have established Student-Staff Liaison Committees (SSLCs), they might wish to consider:

  • developing formal terms of reference, arranging meetings at least twice each academic year, and recording the outcomes of meetings in the form of Minutes/Notes;
  • for Ug SSLCs, appointing at least one student representative for each level of course for which a Department/Division is responsible;
  • for TPg program SSLCs, appointing a sufficient number of students (to include full-time and part-time students, where appropriate) to be representative of the program cohort;
  • for RPg SSLCs, appointing students from the various stages of RPg programs.