Course Registration
Course Selection & Registration

Will I be pre-enrolled to all my required courses?

Yes. In some special cases, ARO will pre-enroll upon the request of the program office and according to the list sent from the office. However, under the following circumstances, pre-enrollment will not be done:

  1. you have failed / not taken the pre-requisite of the required course(s), or
  2. you have already taken the course in previous terms, or
  3. the curriculum specifies that you can choose one out of a few courses to fulfill the requirement. In this case you may enroll your chosen course during the enrollment period.

* In regular terms, research postgraduates will be pre-enrolled to the thesis course if they have obtained a “PP” grade in the previous regular term. Besides, according to the requirement of students' programs, PDEV courses will pre-enrolled for them also if they have not yet passed the relevant course.