Penalties for Cheating


A Head of Department/Division may impose:

  • A verbal or written reprimand
  • A make-up assignment or test/examination
  • A requirement to resubmit work contributing to an award
  • A reduced grade for a component of the course assessment or a reduced grade for the course, including a failed grade
  • Require the student to undertake a period of mentoring or instruction to enhance the student’s ability to make better ethical choices.
More Severe Sanctions

Where the Head considers the above sanctions to be insufficient with respect to the nature of the academic misconduct, or where there has been a previous act of academic misconduct, the case may be referred to the Dean of the School/AIS for further review.

The Dean can impose more severe sanctions, or may refer the case to the Senate Student Disciplinary Committee for further review if the sanctions available to the Dean are considered to be insufficient with respect to the nature of the misconduct.

See the Regulations for Student Academic Integrity for the full range of penalties for cheating.